Welcome to Tina's OSCAR CHATTER CLUB Webpage!!
THE OSCAR CHATTER CLUB - Established 1997
Happy New Year to all my Oscar Chatter friends!
I trust that all of you had a great holiday and spent time with the family and got all the gifts you could ever ask for! I saw the grandkids and that was stupendous!!
It's just a few weeks from me driving to LA and getting ready to party down again. However, this year may be a little less fun. Seems to be a few issues that may lighten up the spirit. I'm still planning a few trivia games that will make you think (sorry 'bout that) and in return you may win a fun award that I have yet to make. We'll just have to see.
Let's just hope that when we all get together, we'll have the time of our lives, like we always do. I know I'm always anxious to see those of you that I only get to see once a year, which is just about all of you.
So let's plan to have a real good time, eat until we can't walk and talk, and talk, and talk!!